Friday, March 14, 2008

Quilt Show

Tonight my girlfriend Jill and I went out for dinner and then took in a quilt show. The quilt show was at Mount Mary College. The guild that sponsored the quilt show has a wonderfully talented group of ladies. And, apparently these ladies love to quilt. Most members entered multiple quilts. When the quilt show closed at 7pm, there was a guest lecture/program open to the public in the room next door. Two ladies from Rockford, Illinois were the guest speakers. I have seen these two ladies and their program previously and it never ceases to amaze me how comical they are. They ask for participants from the audience to go behind a screen. Once the audience member is behind the screen, they are given a hat to model and a quilt to hold up. The hat and quilt share some kind of connection. As an example, there was a quilt with fruits and vegetables on it and the woman holding it was wearing a Carmen Miranda type hat. There are some really wild hats, which of course elicit roars from the audience. And the best part of the evening? My girlfriend Jill won a $25.00 gift certificate to a quilt store. It doesn't get any better than that!!

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