Monday, March 3, 2008

Back Up The Truck

It was a good day today. I got a lot done. Of course, most were things I already did. Let me explain. Last month for Valentine's Day, I made these awesome woven hearts. I know they were awesome because people kept asking me if they could have one. What happened was that I gave them all away, including mine! I didn't want to have to go back and make them again next year, so I made a bunch of them today. Over. Done. Packed away till next year!

The other project that was started and not finished were some bibs for Matthew. They needed the velcro closures sewn on. Done. The biggest hang-up with this project was whether or not I needed to quilt them. Since they are going to get a lot of wear and tear, I opted to quilt them. All four done.

It felt like I took two steps backward, but there is nothing like the feeling of being DONE and moving on....

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