Monday, December 3, 2007

Easily Distracted

Today I cut out fabrics for a class that I am taking tomorrow. I am going to learn how to assemble a wonder wallet. I am sure I could figure out how to make this on my own, but sometimes it's just nice to get out of the house and be with other women who enjoy the same hobby you do. When I am in my studio it is easy to get distracted. There are so many projects and fabrics and eye candy laying around that it is hard to focus on one thing. I need to get better organized and put everything behind cabinet doors or out of sight so that I can concentrate on one thing at a time. At times, it becomes overwhelming to me. So many projects, will I ever get them all done? But then, part of me thinks maybe I should leave all the "stuff" out in the open. That way I will see just how much accumulation there is and it will stop and make me think before buying any more. I don't know what the answer is...obviously, I am in waaaaay over my head!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Giggle...I soooooo remember you talking about the wonder wallet making!!! I sorta feel like a stalker!