Friday, February 8, 2008

Secret Project

Today was the day I started my secret project for guild. I just can't say what it is, considering someone from my guild might be reading this. You know who you are! It isn't due until April, but I have a tendency to procrastinate on these kinds of things. The sooner I get it done, the better.

I also signed up for The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson and Ricky Tims today. What fun. I bought 26 episodes. So far I have only watched one in its entirety, but I did peek at two others. In case you don't know what I am talking about, they are online videos that features well-known quilters demonstrating their specialties. You can watch them at your leisure, any time of day. It's a treat every quilter should give herself. Quilter's cannot live by fabric alone! :)

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