Saturday, February 5, 2011

Get Your Craft On Girlies!

Lately I have been checking out quite a few DIY blogs.  People are doing some amazing things to their homes.  Anyway, you know how you check out one blog, then you see a sidebar link with a photo and it piques your curiosity?  Well, this was what I saw, so I decided I had to see more.  Actually, this has nothing to do with a DIY project, so if that is what you are hoping for, you can stop reading NOW.  But, this is just too cute not to share with my fellow bloggerettes.  These are my ingredients, go get your own!  P.S. you can get the cherry jelly hearts at WalMart.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That was such a cute idea I wish I had little kids around to make those for. Thanks for the link