Monday, October 25, 2010

Did I Hear That Right?

I spent the weekend in Door County with some friends. Fish Creek to be exact. Quilting was on the agenda, and quilt we did! The fall foliage was a bit past prime, but it still made a lovely panorama.

While quilting, we either listened to the radio or tv. One particular commercial announced on the radio got our attention. At first we thought perhaps we hadn't heard it correctly, so we listened intently when it was repeated. Sure enough we had heard the information correctly. An area jeweler was advertising, "buy a diamond, get a 12-gauge shotgun FREE". Now there's a deal you don't want to pass up. So run, do not walk...actually, with a 12-gauge shotgun involved, that might not be a good idea.

2 comments: said...

I am so glad that everything worked out and you got to go on this retreat.

Cindy said...

Retreats are always a fun thing to do and especially nice in Door County. I hope you got lots done. Now if only I could get myself to sewing all would be good.