Friday, December 7, 2007

Zigzag Nightmare

Why is it, just when you think you have something figured out, you find out you are way off base. Today I worked on a padfolio (pattern can be found at Fibers & Stitch). You make the main components from fabric covered peltex and them sew the sections of peltex together with a zigzag stitch. I tried the zigzag stitch on my Pfaff and the thread kept jamming up in the bobbin. I figured maybe my Pfaff just didn't like that brand of thread for some reason. On to Plan B. I thought maybe my Bernina would work better. It did, but in the process I learned a few things. First of all, I needed to pin the pockets in place before I tried to zigzag along the edges. Also, nothing ever takes less time than you think it will. In this case, it took a lot more. The good thing is, once you make one, you have pretty much worked out all the bugs so that the process goes a lot smoother the next time around. At least I hope that is the way it is going to work...tomorrow is another day.

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